Dear Patient,
From the 1st of January 2025 Matraville Medical Complex released new pricing.
This is much needed to continue providing care and sustain ongoing improvements to overall service that we have proudly provided the community since 1993.
New Patient Pricing:
New Patient Registration Fee is $45 this also applies to patients who have not visited Matraville Medical Complex in the past 2 years.
Mon-Fri Medicare Patient Pricing:
My Medicare Registered Patients that are Concessional including under 16 and Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders and Senior Health Care Card holders are Bulk Billed.
My Medicare Registered Patients that are Non-Concession will have a minimum $37.15 Gap free.
Saturdays Medicare Patient Pricing:
Face to Face and Telehealth: $45 Gap Fee waved for concessional patients, under 16 and Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders with Health Care Cards.
Private Patients (Non-Medicare) minimum $90 for a standard consult.
Cancellation fee:
$30 if not cancelled 4 hours prior to your appointment.
We understand the financial burden faced by many of our patients, especially in the current climate and will continue to bulk bill the following patients who are registered in MyMedicare with our clinic for consults that are under 20 minutes:
Children under the age of 16 years
Commonwealth concession card holders including Senior card holders, Healthcare card holders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
DVA card holders
My Medicare Registered Patients with Matraville Medical Complex will have the gap fee waived for the following types of consults:
Care Plans
Health Assessments
Home Medical Reviews
Workers Compensation (To Be Discussed with GP)
Telehealth among some others
Some women’s health (To be Discussed with GP)
The AMA recommended rate is $100 for a standard consultation.
If you have concerns please call reception to discuss and raise with your GP during your next visit.
Thank you
• For Medicare Card Holders Under 16 Years, Seniors and Commonwealth Concession card holders, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders and DVA card holders
• MyMedicare registered with Matraville Medical Complex
General Practitioner
Non-VR General Practitioner
• For Medicare Card Holders (Non-Concession)
• MyMedicare registered with Matraville Medical Complex
• Gap Fee Waived for the following types of consults:
• Care Plans
• Health Assessments
• Mental Health Treatment plans
• Home Medical Reviews
• Workers Compensation (To Be Discussed with GP)
• Telehealth among some others
• Some women’s health (To be Discussed with GP)
General Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
CATEGORY 3: Private Patients (Non-Medicare) and Non My Medicare Registered Pricing
General Practitioner, Non-VR and Nurse Practitioners
MyMedicare Registration
From Wednesday, 1st November 2023, eligible patients who register with this clinic will continue to receive Bulk Billing as well as access additional Medicare benefits such as longer Telehealth appointments, ongoing physio, podiatry, counselling, psychology, and many other services.
It is free and takes a quick moment to Register via Medicare Express APP or your MyGov account.
It is voluntary and free to register in MyMedicare.
When you register in MyMedicare, it will notify your general practice that you have chosen them as your regular care team. Additional funding will be available from the government to help them provide the care you need.
MyMedicare patients will have access to:
greater continuity of care with your registered practice, improving health outcomes
longer Medicare Benefit Scheme (MBS) funded telehealth consultations with your GP
triple bulk billing incentive for longer MBS telehealth consultations for children under 16, pensioners, and concession card holders, from 1 November 2023
more regular visits from your GP and better care planning for people living in a residential aged care home, from August 2024
connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.
You’re eligible to register in MyMedicare if you have:
A Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran Card
face-to-face visits recorded with the same practice, including either:
one face-to-face visit for practices in remote locations (MMM 6 and 7)
two face-to-face visits for practices in other locations in the previous 24 months.
People who are facing hardship will be exempt from all eligibility requirements. This includes people experiencing domestic and family violence and homelessness.
Parents/guardians and children can be registered at the same practice if one of them is eligible and registered. A parent/guardian must register a child under 14 years and provide consent on their behalf. Young people aged 14 to 17 years can register and provide consent without a parent/guardian.
Its easy to sign up – two options
Do you have My Medicare app
Step 1. Open app or download the Medicare App ( express plus medicare )
Step 2. scroll down to My medicare
Step 3 . Select my medicare
Step 4. Type Matraville Medical Complex (select)
Step5. Select any Gp from our practice
Step6. Screen shot the complete registration and email us on –
So that we can record your registration and ensure you are bulk billed to all the eligible services.
Hard copy form you can fill in our practical or we can email you a link
Frequently Asked Questions
I tried but I can't register. Am I eligible?
You need to visit MMC twice in the previous 2 years to be eligible
What new services will I have access to?
e.g. access to more telehealth items ( Bulk Billed , 7 days per week )
Bulk billed care plan services e.g. – Physio, Podiatry , EP , Counselling and many more…..
Can I change doctors?
Yes at any time
Can I change medical centres?
Yes at any time
Nurse Practitioner